Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane Ike

All of Oklahoma should add the good people down south in the Houston area to our prayers. Hurricane Ike is hitting hard. Gig 'em Aggies take on a new meaning this weekend.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thatsjustbob Opinion

Democrats believe that GOVERNMENT should take care of the poor, sick and afflicted. (We’ve seen how well that’s worked since LBJ’s “War on Poverty” started in the 1960s) Republicans believe that government is a last resort AFTER families, churches and neighbors take care of the sick and needy.

Dems believe in income redistribution. Repubs believe that government should provide everyone rich and poor alike a LEVEL playing field and then get out of the way and let businesses and individuals do their best to make a profit. Obama’s tax plan will RAISE taxes on the rich and then give to the poor (those who don’t file taxes).

Dems believe that women have the right to CHOOSE to kill their own babies. Repubs believe that the CHOICE comes when you decide to procreate (sex).

Dems believe that the Government should be able to register and otherwise restrict gun owners. Repubs believe the 2nd Amendment protects the right to bear arms – no questions asked.

Dems favor laws that make it nearly impossible for laborers (blue collar workers) to keep their job without being forced to belong to the union. Repubs believe that you should have the Right to Work wherever you are hired without having to belong to a union.

Dems believe that higher taxes on gas are a good thing because it forces people to stop driving gas guzzlers. Repubs believe that America is full of bright minds that if free from too much government regulation and taxation, can help solve things like our dependancy on foreign oil by inventing and producing more economical cars – without making gas taxes any higher than they already are!

Dems skip over very popular women in their own party and instead choose career politicians who are White, anglo-saxon and aged 65. Repubs skip over old white guys and choose good looking, 44 year old women whose careers include running the nation’s largest state (in size), shooting moose and raising five kids.

Obama Not A Good Hire

Would you hire this guy for CEO position with 143 days of experience?


The first time I read this quote, I thought it was dangerously true. Then I really started pondering it and thought how would this apply to our own lives/careers? Let's look at it again to see how absurd it is.
You couldn't get a job at McDonalds and become district manager after 143 days of experience.
You couldn't become chief of surgery after 143 days of experience of being a surgeon.
You couldn't get a job as a teacher and be the superintendent after 143 days of experience.
You couldn't join the military and become a colonel after a 143 days of experience.
You couldn't get a job as a reporter and become the nightly news anchor after 143 days of experience.
'From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United State Senator, to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory committee, he logged 143 days of experience in the Senate.
That's how many days the Senate was actually in session and working.

After 143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World, and fill the shoes of Abraham Lincoln, FDR, JFK and Ronald Reagan. 143 days?

We all have to start somewhere. The senate is a start, but after 143 days, that's all it is - a start.
AND, strangely, a large sector of the American public seems to feel comfortable with this and campaigning for him.
We wouldn't accept this in our own line of work, yet some are OK with this for the President of the United States of America?

Come on folks, we are not voting for the next American Idol.

Randy Terrill

Terrill Honored

Congratulations to Rep. Randy Terrill he has been named a winner of the Federation for American Immigration Reform's "We the People" Award.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform has been successfully holding the line in Washington by preventing amnesty for illegal aliens," said Terrill, R-Moore. "House Bill 1804 has become a model not only for other states but for the nation as well. On behalf of the citizens of House District 53 and the taxpayers of the state of Oklahoma, it's an honor to be recognized for that work."
Terrill will be presented the award at a banquet in Washington, D.C.

More On Palin

These are comments from two Alaskans on a long-distance-riding forum I have been on for years; I have met the first commentor, he's a solid, down to earth, regular guy - and a long time resident of Wasilla.


Pretty much what you see is what you get. She is just a regular gal from a middle class family.......just like you and me. Her husband was a slope worker (oil rigs) till she became gov....then he there would not be a conflict of interest. He has run the Iron Dog several times and has won it. They are both outdoors type people.....hunting/fishing/gold mining/etc.

She has taken on big oil.......pretty much told big oil to stuff it on the gas pipeline and got someone else to build it. She took away oil leases that companies were sitting on. She is against corruption (she supported Sean Parnell in the Republican congressional primaries against our long time Congressman Don Young, who is under
investigation.) She sold the "governors private jet" on ebay saying it was a waste of money. With high oil prices the state is getting a bundle ($$$$$$)in tax money. Along with our regular dividend she is adding an extra 1,200 for energy costs.....every man woman and child should get close to 3 grand this year. She figured the people needed the extra money rather than the state. The list goes on and on of good things she has done. She has over a 80% approval rating here in Alaska.

The only dirt I know of.......

Her sister was in an abusive relationship with a state trooper. The trooper is a real jerk/nut case from what I understand. Anyway the allegations are....she is accused of using her position as gov to try and get the trooper fired. When the state head of public safety wouldn't fire the trooper she fired the head of public safety. Then she appointed another guy to take his place that had work sexual harassment problems in his past. He resigned after about a week on the job. Now a panel has been put together to find a replacement.

She is currently under investigation to see if she actually abused here power. It will be interesting to see how it will come out.

Every body I ran into today, (including me) were were ecstatic with the news. She even called a couple of the local talk radio shows today to say "Hi" to everyone. Needless to say.......most people here in Wasilla AND Alaska will prolly vote for her.

While this has happened sooner than I expected it, there has been no doubt in my own mind that Sarah is a rising star in the Republican Party. She trounced both her rivals in the pre-primary gubernatorial debates, then walked away with the win over former Democratic governor Tony Knowles. Like most Alaskans, she is pretty independent-minded, and follows what seems to have become the state motto: "We don't give a damn how they do it Outside".

She is one sharp lady, and her looks might deceive some, but they'd better not underestimate her. Up here, her husband Todd is often referred to as the "first dude" , and is a down to earth sort of guy.

Gonna be interesting, you betcha.

And a comment from a Fairbanks expatriate (Helikron) currently living in the Pacific Northwet -

"Hey Y'all,

I really, truly wish her and her family the very best during the runout of this incredible, historic gig. She's making/taking a tremendous leap for Women, Alaska, and, I pray, for the USA.
What a gal!

We can also find solace in that we know she's ready for Washington
D.C.: fully accustomed to pitching guts and carcasses, and has her own chest waders... still, that cesspool in D.C. will be a challenge! "

Pastor Manning Fierce Prayer For Palin

Sarah Palin News

Democrats who criticize Republican nominee Sarah Palin for running for vice president while she has young children should remember their history.

President John Kennedy received lavish praise from the media for having John-John and Caroline romp around the White House.

On January 20, 1961, John Kennedy was younger than Sarah Palin will be on inauguration day.

When he became vice president, Theodore Roosevelt was three years younger than Sarah Palin will be on January 20, 2009. Did the Democrats dare to criticize this great man for running for vice president while having a young family?

And let's not get started about Abraham Lincoln and his young sons in the White House....

Highway Trust Fund

Directer Ridley this week sent a letter to the State Legislature concerning the Federal Highway Trust Fund short fall. U.S. Transportation Secretary Mary Peters attributes the short fall to exponential rising expenses and decreasing revenue from taxes collected on gasoline. The expenses are do to increases in construction cost and the dirty word EARMARKS.

The bottom line is the rising cost of energy. The liberals believe that we live in separate vacuums. That one thing does not affect another. And whats worse is that their actions and policies do not cause adverse reactions to the economy. This is another example of how not having a National Energy Policy to protect the U.S. from escalating cost of energy is trickling down to other serious problems.

I don't know how to make it any more simple: Demand for energy is increasing - the supply is restricted by the world producers and the liberal congress on false environmental concerns. This raises the cost of energy so that it cost more to get products and supplies. People are driving less to save money and therefore not buying as much fuel, so the revenue from the fuel tax which is a fixed amount is lower.

What is the solution, cheap energy. It will take a combination of ways to do this, but the bottom line we need policies to take the squelch off the energy market so to drive down the cost. Drill baby drill and the first place should be Alaska - ANWR. Governor Sarah Palin has it right.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"An American" Written By Kenady Cleveland


We Americans live in the land of the free because we are the home of the brave. We stand here with free speech, free religion, free press, and the freedom to bear arms. Fortunately this list goes on; thanks to the brave men and women who put their own lives in the line of duty everyday. This country has great leaders from the President of the United States and the Vice President to the Generals and their Soldiers. Our beliefs may be very different across this nation, but the title still stands as One Country Under God. We all need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

For all those anti-war, peace is better, type of people…what good is it to bring home the soldiers now and stop the war? All those men and women who have died for this country; how do you think they would feel knowing they died for the failing country? The brave would no longer exist but this country would be gray, morning, and finally defeated. All of their hard work gone to shame. These men and women have taken a stand and said they would defend our country. What more can we ask for? They are over seas winning this war so you can be free and you are protesting against them?

For all of you who still have hope! God has a plan; just keep believing. Times might get scary, as some days have been in the past; but with faith in God, the President, and our nation, we can pull through. There is fixing to be a great change in our nation as we elect a new President and team of committed people; but be sure you know who and what your voting for. We need to stand together now! Fight the good fight, fight for what’s right, and what would make the past generations of men and women proud!
. Kenady is a Junior at Community Christian School.

Who Is To Blame For 9/11

Reuters has an article ( about a poll asking who is responsible for 9/11.

"The U.S. government was to blame, according to 23 percent of Germans and 15 percent of Italians.

Respondents in the Middle East were especially likely to name a perpetrator other than al Qaeda, the poll found.

Israel was behind the attacks, said 43 percent of people in Egypt, 31 percent in Jordan and 19 percent in the Palestinian Territories. The U.S. government was blamed by 36 percent of Turks and 27 percent of Palestinians.

In Mexico, 30 percent cited the U.S. government and 33 percent named al Qaeda."

I wonder how many of the starry-eyed Obama fans were among those 23 percent!

Obama Teach 5 YRS Old About Sex

Dana Murphy The Best Choice

Dana can win. She is working hard and we need to get out and help her.

Contact: Ashley Hahn, 405-607-6677
September 10, 2008

SurveyUSA Poll Shows Murphy’s Lead Gaining
Poll for KFOR shows Murphy Ahead 54-36 percent

(Edmond, OK) Republican Corporation Commission candidate Dana Murphy says the latest poll from SurveyUSA shows Oklahomans want someone with energy experience on the Commission.

“Once again the poll numbers bear out what we’ve been hearing across the state. Oklahomans want someone with real experience that they can trust on the Corporation Commission. The post is too important, directly affects too many pocketbooks and directly impacts the state’s economy. Oklahomans know they need a Commissioner with experience in the energy sector. They also want someone with deep roots to the state and someone who shares their conservative Oklahoma values.”

The SurveyUSA poll, done for Oklahoma City TV station KFOR, shows Murphy with an 18 point lead over her opponent, 54-36. No margin of error was given for the survey.

“Oklahomans want someone on the Commission with proven, real life experience in the private sector, not a career bureaucrat. They know I will be a watchdog for the interests of everyday Oklahomans and not just a lapdog for special interests."

Murphy, a fifth generation Oklahoman, spent ten years working in the oil patch as a geologist. After going to law school at night at OCU, she spent almost six years at the Corporation Commission as an Administrative Law Judge. Since leaving the bench, she has successfully operated her own oil and gas law practice, representing both producers and mineral owners.

Murphy served two terms as the Vice Chairman of the state Republican Party. She also serves as care chaplain and was previously on the board of trustees for Church of the Servant.

Keeping a tradition starting five generations ago, Murphy continues to help with her family’s farm and ranch operations in western Oklahoma.

For more information about Murphy, log on to

New McCain Video Obama Calls Palin A Pig

Monday, September 8, 2008

New Poll On Obama

Polls show that a majority of voters disbelieve Obama’s claim that he will not raise taxes on 95% of Americans. Indeed, the latest Rasmussen survey indicates that 56% believe he will raise their personal income taxes. It is a short leap from there to predict economic disaster if taxes are raised as broadly and as high as Obama has predicted.

Photos From Convention

Jerry Buchanan and John Voight

Balkman Letter To Editor

Like the old saying goes, “you can take the boy out of politics, but you can’t take politics out of the boy.” Although I am no longer in the game, I enjoy sitting on the sidelines and observing politics at the local, state and national level. In its coverage the day after the run-off election, the Transcript included a quote from defeated Sheriff candidate Mark Hamm. In lamenting his loss, Hamm stated he was upset with the “negative campaigning” in the run-off. Hamm is a good conservative man, but I think he is mistaken when he lays the blame for his loss on his opponent’s alleged negative campaigning. Joe Lester, who in the interest of disclosure, I did endorse in the run-off, sent out a mailer informing voters that Hamm had a bench warrant for his arrest due to an unpaid ticket arising from a traffic accident in Oklahoma County. Hamm and his supporters may want to characterize this as negative campaigning, but to concerned citizens and voters, this information – which was first reported by a local newspaper - is helpful in making a determination on whom to elect to oversee law enforcement in Cleveland County. In contrast to some of the many campaign smear ads we have seen in many local elections over the last dozen years or so, this issue – an outstanding bench warrant on an unpaid ticket, was very much legitimate and relevant to the race. A bench warrant is only issued after one fails to obey an order of the court. And the sheriff and his deputies are the ones who actually serve the warrants. So in a race to determine who is better qualified to serve as our next sheriff, it is completely reasonable for a candidate to draw a contrast between himself and the other candidate where his opponent has failed to obey an order of the court and has a warrant for his arrest. In fact, had Joe Lester’s campaign advisors not done it, they should’ve been held liable for political malpractice!

I think the real blame for Hamm’s loss was because his campaign advisors turned the run-off into a “Moore/South OKC vs. Norman” battle. Perhaps they were banking on a higher turnout in the northern part of the county because of the run-off in Senate District 45. But Hamm’s campaign underestimated Joe Lester’s hard work and perhaps more importantly, the voter fatigue of the “north vs. south” politics in Cleveland County. Inside local Republican circles, there were even rumors of campaign surrogates telling voters not to vote for Joe Lester because he was beholden to a local Republican activist from Norman and a certain former OU football coach also from Norman. In the end, Republicans in Cleveland County – both in the northern half and in the southern half – rejected the geographic warfare and cast their votes for the candidate they felt was the best for the job. Joe Lester, by virtue of his outstanding background and experience in law enforcement, won the majority of the vote. Perhaps this preference for the candidate with the most experience and readiness to lead from day one will be a trend that continues in the upcoming Presidential Election. At least Republicans sure hope so!

Thad Balkman

McCain/Palin Takes Lead

By Susan Page, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — The Republican National Convention has given John McCain and his party a significant boost, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken over the weekend shows, as running mate Sarah Palin helps close an "enthusiasm gap" that has dogged the GOP all year.
McCain leads Democrat Barack Obama by 50%-46% among registered voters, the Republican's biggest advantage since January and a turnaround from the USA TODAY poll taken just before the convention opened in St. Paul. Then, he lagged by 7 percentage points
From Drudge
Obama's verbal slip fuels his critics
Christina Bellantoni (Contact)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
ST. LOUIS, Mo. - Sen. Barack Obama's foes seized Sunday upon a brief slip of the tongue, when the Democratic presidential nominee was outlining his Christianity but accidentally said, "my Muslim faith."

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Best McCain Commercial

The best McCain commercial.

Moveon.Org, Attacks Palin did not waste any time attacking Sarah Palin. They are asking liberals to send letters to editors attacking her christian conservative views. They even call her mean-spirited. Now tell me who is really mean spirited. Read the directions for the liberals talking points.
Bob Please take a few minutes to write a quick letter
to the editor now:

Did you watch Sarah Palin's speech last night? The speech told us a lot
about her.

It told us that she can distort the facts and deliver mean-spirited zingers with the best of them. It told us that if Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter ever need a stand-in, she'd be a great pick.

It told us that she can be condescending and dismissive of the real work Barack Obama did helping real people on the South Side of Chicago. It told us that she can uphold the long Republican tradition of lying about Democratic tax cuts-even though Obama's plan would give Americans a bigger break than McCain's.

But the speech-written by one of President Bush's speechwriters-didn't tell us the truth about Sarah Palin's extremist positions.

Palin wants to teach creationism in public schools. She hasn't made
clear whether she thinks evolution is a fact.
Palin doesn't believe that humans contribute to global warming.
Speaking about climate change, she said, "I'm not one though who would
attribute it to being manmade."

Palin is extremely anti-choice. She doesn't even support abortion in
the case of rape or incest. Palin opposes comprehensive sex-ed in public schools. She's said she will only support abstinence-only approaches.

As mayor, Palin tried to ban books from the library. Palin asked the
library how she might go about banning books because some had inappropriate language in them.

Please help get the word out about where Sarah Palin really stands on the issues.

Thanks for all you do.

-Nita, Ilyse, Wes, Karin and the rest of the team

Dems Throw American Flags In Trash

After the DNC Convention American Flags thrown in trash.