Monday, January 19, 2009

Open VS Close Precinct

There seems to be a lot of confusion about what Open VS closed Precinct means.
At the Cleveland County meeting last week a lot of people commented they wanted a closed precinct. Some thought a closed precinct meant that you have to attend the precinct meeting in order to be a delegate to the County Convention.

Closed Precinct means only the elected delegate and alternate for each slotted vote will be allowed to vote. Other delegates present that are not elected will not get to cast a vote.

Open delegation means every delegate gets a portion of the slotted votes.

So why would any Precinct vote to be closed and eliminate everyone's opportunity to vote?

Open Delegation: There is no limit on the number of delegates elected as the votes will be equally allocated among the delegates casting votes, the allocation to be limited to the number of delegate votes authorized per precinct.

Closed Delegation: You elect 1 delegate and 1 alternate for each slot authorized by the County Executive Committee. Each delegate present at the time of the vote will receive a ballot that will represent 1 whole vote. If there are not as many delegate votes cast as the number authorized, the vote(s) will be lost. It is the Precinct Chairman?s responsibility to make sure all delegates are registered and to fill vacant slots with alternates before the Convention registration closes.


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