Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dana Murphy

Corporation Commission is the ideal position for Dana Murphy. Oklahoma needs someone that has honesty and integrity in her portfolio as our next Corporation Commissioner. Apparently a lot of the good folks in Oklahoma believe Dana is that person. A new poll just out shows Dana with 45% of the votes, her opponent with 32% and the rest undecided. Dana is the only candidate with experience at the Corporation Commission. A geologist, oil and gas attorney, a former judge at the Corporation Commission and a lady that can think for her self is just what we need. Her opponent is backed by big oil companies and utilities that the Corporation Commission regulates. Her opponent has lots of special interest money from outside Oklahoma hoping to influence the outcome of the election. Oklahoma does not need individuals from other states telling us what we need in Oklahoma. We need someone that works hard, is a native Oklahoman and most important, someone that knows the business of the Corporation Commission. Oklahoma needs Dana Murphy.

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